Ceramic fiber module
信息来源:北京佳合恒泰材料科技有限公司 官方网站  日期:2018-05-09

Product performance: The ceramic fiber module is made from ceramic fiber needle blanket that according to customer’s requirements of fiber assembly structure and size. It has better thermal stability and flexibility.And the construction is convenient. The expansion of the module that after the lining installation is just enough to make the lining seamless. So it can improve the overall thermal insulation performance of fiber lining.

Product application: Steel, metallurgy, petrochemical and other industrial furnaces, heating plant lining.

Product specification: The size is made according to the customer"s requirements.

The normal size is 300*300*300mm.

Working temperature: 1000-1430 ℃

本文整理编辑:北京佳合恒泰材料科技有限公司,是一家成立于2016年的高温、耐火、隔热纤维制品的主要生产厂商。 主要产品有:高硅氧纤维布, 高硅氧针刺毯, 陶瓷纤维毯, 陶瓷纤维模块, 陶瓷纤维绳, 陶瓷纤维纸, 陶瓷纤维布, 陶瓷纤维带, 玻璃纤维绳, 防火布, 陶瓷纤维板, 玻璃纤维布 等。咨询电话:13699181925 冯一凡

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